Manufacturer of modern
energy efficient equipment for metering
and regulation of thermal energy and water


Reconstruction / modernization

Quite often we hear that energy modernization of houses – insulation of facades, replacement of windows, doors and outdated metering stations with new ones, installation of individual heating points – is quite expensive. However, Ukrainians do not take into account the incessant annual increase in the cost of Housing and communal services. The cost of heating houses is becoming more and more, and the increased cost of heating in no way affects the improvement of the quality of heat energy received by residents of high-rise buildings.

We constantly continue to talk about the state co-financing programs that the Energy Efficiency Fund has introduced. Many kindergartens, schools, and residential high-rise buildings have already used them. These programs provide tools for thermal renovation of buildings. For residents of high-rise buildings, it is possible to receive grants for the modernization of the house in the amount of up to 70% and start saving after one heating season,because the payback period for energy-efficient measures is 1-1.5 seasons.

The main points of energy modernization include: replacement and insulation of hot water and heat supply pipelines, facade insulation, replacement of Windows, parapets and external doors, installation of individual heat points and automatic balancing valves. These measures make it possible to improve the quality of the received heat energy, ensure uniform heat supply for all apartments and adjust its intensity depending on weather conditions.

Recently, another successfully implemented modernization project was a residential building in the Lviv region. Now residents of the House will save more than 491.9 thousand kWh/year or 641.2 thousand UAH/year.
If you also want to live in a warm home, pay for the actual heat used and save on heating, then contact us – we will be happy to conduct an energy audit of the building, help you develop a project for participation in co-financing programs and choose the necessary equipment. Let's make our life warm and comfortable!